Thursday, August 4, 2011

What is important when choosing your entertainer?

So many people when searching for entertainment use the internet.  That is great.  However, with all the bells and whistles, it is easy to lose sight of what's important.  A performer can have a flashy website, great props and a fantastic promo video, however, all those things can be fabricated.

What is not so easy to fake is whether or not the person can really entertain your guests and meet your needs.  So, how do we separate the wheat from the chaff?  There are several ways.  Ask friends or business associates who they have used and been satisfied with.  Go see a prospective entertainer perform live and gauge the audience's reaction.  Ask the performer to provide creditable references.

My favorite and most effective recommendation is meet the performer before hiring them.  Ask for a demonstration of their wares.  It is just as important that your needs are met to the performer as it is to you and face to face is one of the best ways to have a meeting of the minds.

Please feel free to comment or leave any questions or topics that you might like to have published in a later blog entry.  As always, I am at your service.

Magic Chad